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PGTN continues to train and supervise primary care clinicians to provide basic mental health interventions to individuals in under-served communities and with limited financial resources in the Los Angeles area. Primary care clinicians are trained to identify and provide basic interventions for adults with psychiatric conditions including major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance abuse, and dementia.

Mental Health Field Guide

Mental Health Care in Settings Where Mental Health Resources Are Limited, is used as companion educational resource for individuals receiving training and supervision through PGTN.  The field guide is designed to be a concise, easy-reference handbook and addresses conditions including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance abuse, dementia, child and adolescent issues, violence, and HIV/AIDS and mental health. The field guide also provides insights on the recent state of mental health care worldwide and the means for increasing access to care in resource-limited areas.  

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Good physical health contributes to good mental health. Exercise has been linked to improved mood, reduced stress, increased energy, and heightened self-esteem. In addition, participating in sports fosters the development of important aspects of psychological health including self-esteem, social skills, discipline, and respect for others. PGTN values the "mind-body connection" and supports organizations operating in resource-limited areas that promote mental health through sports activities and/or provide support to aspiring athletes whose talents and efforts inspire others to incorporate physical activity into their lives.  PGTN continues to provide aid for materials to the Cameroon organization, Soccer + Life Skills for Hundreds of Youth and The SELF (Sports, Expression, Leadership, Freedom) Academy in India. These nonprofit organizations use sports to foster gender equity as well as self-esteem, independence, life skills, and healthy life choices among girls, of whom many are survivors of varied forms of abuse. 

PGTN also sponsors, Improving Your Mental Game, a practical, concise pocket guide drawing from principles of medicine, neuroscience & psychology to aid the optimal performance & comprehensive well-being of athletes and any individual interested in improving health in general. It covers a broad range of topics: mental skills training; mental illnesses & psychosocial issues associated with sport; brain health (nutrition & sleep); banned substances; & support for athletes with disabilities. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.

3) PREVIOUS INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS​ (click link below for details)